

Drug Response Crohns Disease Biomarker

Serum N-glycan Biomarkers Predict Patient Response to Biologics for Crohn’s Disease

G. Elgood Hunt, A. Adams, T. Senard, R. Gardner, W. de Jonge, A. Li Yim, A. Noble , J. Satsangi, V.Joustra, G. D’Haens
Presented at: ECCO 2024
Stockholm, Sweden. Feb 21-24th 2024


ASMS 2023 poster

Serum N-glycans analysis by LC-MS allows the prediction of patients’ response to Vedolizumab treatment for Crohn’s Disease

G. Elgood Hunt, A. Adams, T. Senard, R. Gardner, W. Jonge, A. Li Yim, A. Noble, J. Satsangi, V. Joustra, G. D'Haens, D. Spencer
Presented at: The 71st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics
Houston, USA. Jun 6-9th 2023

PEGS Boston 2023 poster

Satisfying regulatory requirements using orthogonal methods for glycosylation analysis; An example with an IgG1 monoclonal antibody

Paulina A. Urbanowicz, Jenifer L. Hendel, Radoslaw P. Kozak
Presented at: BioProcess International Conference & PEGS Europe 2023
Boston, USA. Sep 19-22nd 2023 & Lisbon, Portugal. Nov 14-16th 2023

ECCO 2023 poster

Plasma N-glycan Biomarkers Predict Patient Response to Vedolizumab Treatment for Crohn’s Disease

G. Elgood Hunt, A. Adams, T. Senard, R. Gardner, W. de Jonge, A. Li Yim, A. Noble, J. Satsangi, V.Joustra, G. D’Haens, D I R. Spencer
Presented at: 18th Congress of ECCO
Copenhagen, Denmark. Mar 1-4th 2023

GlycoBioTec 2023 poster

Neu5Ac and Neu5,9Ac2 in Human Plasma: Potential Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disease

J. Cheeseman, C. Badia, G. Elgood-Hunt, D. N. Trinh, R. A Gardner, D. I. R. Spencer, G. Kuhnle, M. P. Monopoli, H. M. I. Osborn
Presented at: GlycoBioTec 2023
Berlin, Germany. Jan 17-19th 2023


Ludger poster - Analysis of Glycosylation Critical Quality Attributes (GCQAs) of monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics

Analysis of Glycosylation Critical Quality Attributes (GCQAs) of monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics

Kozak RP, Kotsias M, Hendel JL, Urbanowicz PA
Presented at: WCB 2019
Reston, USA. Nov 11-13th 2019

Ludger poster - Targeted Analysis of Glycosylation Critical Quality Attributes from Glycoprotein Therapeutics

Targeted Analysis of Glycosylation Critical Quality Attributes from Glycoprotein Therapeutics

Urbanowicz PA, Hendel JL, Kotsias M, Kozak RP
Presented at: BioProduction 2019
Frankfurt, Germany. Nov 5-7th 2019

Ludger poster - Strategic Implementation of Glycan Standards for Reliable Analysis of Glycomolecules

Strategic Implementation of Glycan Standards for Reliable Analysis of Glycomolecules

Hendel JL, Urbanowicz PA, Kozak RP
Presented at:XXth European Carbohydrate Symposium (EUROCARB2019)
Leiden, Netherlands. June 30th-July 4th 2019

Ludger poster - Detection of HNF1A MODY diabetes with glycan biomarkers

Detection of HNF1A MODY diabetes with glycan biomarkers

Demus D, Urbanowicz PA, Gardner RA, Jansen BC, Wuhrer M, Owen KR, Spencer D
Presented at:XXth European Carbohydrate Symposium (EUROCARB2019)
Leiden, Netherlands. June 30th-July 4th 2019

Ludger YRS Eurocarb 2019 Rapid strategy for labelling N-glycans and glycopeptides for qualitative analysis - poster

A novel and rapid strategy for labelling N-glycans and glycopeptides for qualitative analysis using UHPLC-ESI-MS

Amez Martin M, Badía Tortosa C, Hendel JL, Gardner RA, Ledru H, Galan MC, Wuhrer M, Spencer D
Presented at: VI Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry Young Researchers
Madrid, Spain. June 21st 2019
and XXth European Carbohydrate Symposium (EUROCARB2019)
Leiden, Netherlands. June 30th-July 4th 2019

Ludger DDW 2019 N-glycomic biomarkers in IBD poster

Serum N-glycomic biomarkers predict treatment escalation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Shubhakar A, Jansen BC, Adams AT, Reiding KR, Ventham NT, Kalla R, Bergemalm D, Urbanowicz PA, Gardner RA, IBD BIOM Consortium, Halfvarson J, Satsangi J, Fernandes DL, Wuhrer M, Spencer D
Presented at: Digestive Diseases Week
San Diego, USA. May 18-21st 2019


Ludger SFG 2018 Reductive Beta Elimination Workflow poster

Improved and Semi-Automated Reductive β-Elimination Workflow for Higher Throughput Protein O-glycosylation Analysis

Kotsias M, Kozak RP, Gardner RA, Wuhrer M, Spencer D
Presented at: Society for GlycoBiology 2018 Annual Meeting
New Orleans, USA. November 5-8th 2018

Ludger ICS 2018 Glycan Standards poster

Glycan Standards as Key Tools for Robust and Reliable Analysis of Glycoproteins

Hendel J, Peel S, Spencer D
Presented at: 29th International Carbohydrate Symposium
Lisbon, Portugal. July 15-19th 2018

Awarded the Chemical Biology Poster Prize by the Royal Society of Chemistry's 'Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry' Journal

Ludger WCBP2018 FSH characterisation poster

Biopharmaceutical follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) characterisation: monitoring Glycosylation Critical Quality Attributes (GCQAs) using a procainamide labelling system for structural glycan analysis and LC-ESI-QTOF for glycopeptide mapping

Thomson RI, Gardner RA, Kozak RP, Smith J, Strohfeldt K, Osborn HMI, Spencer DI
Presented at: WCBP 2018: 22nd Symposium on the Interface of Regulatory and Analytical Sciences for Biotechnology Health Products
Washington D.C., United States. January 30-February 1st 2018

Ludger WCBP2018 Sialylation poster

Sialylation: A Critical Glycosylation Quality Attribute for Biopharmaceuticals

Hendel JL, Kozak RP, Morgan CL, Royle L
Presented at: WCBP 2018: 22nd Symposium on the Interface of Regulatory and Analytical Sciences for Biotechnology Health Products
Washington D.C., United States. January 30-February 1st 2018


Jenner HT O-Glycosyaltion Analysis Poster

Development of a High Throughput Method for
O-Glycosylation Analysis

Kotsias M, Gardner R, Kozak RP, Wuhrer M, Spencer D
Presented at: 12th Jenner Glycobiology and Medicine Symposium: Translational Glycobiology
Dubrovnik, Croatia. May 6-9th 2017

Keywords: Colorectal cancer (CRC), O-glycosylation, permethylation, MALDI-TOF-MS, high throughput analysis, GlycoCan

WCBP Sialic Acid Poster

Analysis of Sialic Acids in Biopharmaceuticals

Hendel J, Royle L, Kozak RP, Fernandes DL
Presented at:WCBP 2017: 21st Symposium on the Interface of Regulatory and Analytical Sciences for Biotechnology Health Products
Washington D.C., United States. January 24-26th 2017

Keywords: RP-HPLC, EPO, Mabs, fetuin, sialic acid, critical quality attribute (CQA), quantitation, Neu5Ac, Neu5Gc, DMB


Ludger Sofarchi 2016 poster

Automated High-Throughput Permethylation for Glycosylation Analysis Using MALDI-TOF-MS

Shubhakar A, Spencer D, Wuhrer M, Fernandes DL
Presented at the 38th Annual Congress of Pharmacology Society of Chile
Castro, Chile. November 26-29th 2016

Keywords: Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), permethylation, high throughput (HTP), N-glycans, O-glycans

Ludger GlycoPar 2016 poster

Procainamide labelling as part of a sensitive workflow for the identification and quantitation of potential glycan drug targets in parasite cell membrane, insect vector saliva and host tissue models of infection by HILIC-HPLC-ESI-MS/MS

Wongtrakul-Kish K, Kozak RP, Spencer D
Presented at the GlycoPar Symposium & Workshop
Liverpool, UK. September 12-14th 2016

Keywords: Procainamide, LC-MS, HILIC-HPLC-ESI-MS/MS, parasitic glycans, insect vector glycans, host glycans, GlycoPar

Ludger GlycoPar 2016 poster

First steps in the development of a high throughput method for O-glycosylation analysis

Kotsias M, Kozak RP, Shubhakar A, Fernandes DL, Spencer D
Presented at the GlycoPar Symposium & Workshop
Liverpool, UK. September 12-14th 2016

Keywords: Colorectal cancer (CRC), O glycans, permethylation, MALDI-TOF-MS, GlycoCan

Ludger poster

Biopharmaceutical Erythropoietin Characterisation: critical quality attribute (CQA) mapping using LC-ESI-Qtof and automated database searching of glycopeptide analytes

Spencer D, Smith J, Gardner R, Galvin B, Resemann A, Hufnagel P, Fernandes D
Presented at the 64th ASMS Conference:
American Society for Mass Spectrometry

San Antonio TX, United States. June 5-9th 2016

Keywords: erythropoietin (EPO), glycan, glycopeptide, LC-ESI-QTof-MS, ProteinScape, critical quality attribute (CQA)

Ludger poster

Procainamide labelling as part of a flexible glycoprofiling system for monitoring of Gal-a1-3Gal related Glycosylation Critical Quality Attributes (GCQAs) of monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics throughout the product life cycle

Kozak RP, Royle L, Liew LP, Spencer DI, Fernandes DL
Presented at WCBP 2016: 20th Symposium on the Interface of Regulatory and Analytical Sciences for Biotechnology Health Products
Washington DC, United States. January 2016

Keywords: Gal alpha 1-3 gal, IgG, monoclonal antibody (mAb), glycosylation critical quality attribute (GCQA), QbD, procainamide, UHPLC, ESI-MS/MS

Ludger poster

A QbD-compatible approach for reliable measurement of sialic acid O-acetylation as a potential Glycosylation Critical Quality Attribute (GCQA) of erythropoietin (EPO) therapeutics

Fernandes DL, Thomson R, Gardner R, Liew LP, Kozak RP, Royle L, Strohfeldt K, Osborn H, Spencer DI
Presented at WCBP 2016: 20th Symposium on the Interface of Regulatory and Analytical Sciences for Biotechnology Health Products
Washington DC, United States. January 2016

Keywords: QbD, erythropoietin (EPO), sialate O-acetyl esterase (Nan S), glycosylation critical quality attribute (GCQA), sialic acids, DMB, procainamide, UHPLC, LC-MS


Ludger poster

Investigating the role of insect vector glycosylation in African sleeping sickness transmission: Characterisation of procainamide-labelled tsetse fly saliva N-glycans

Kozak RP, Wongtrakul-Kish K, Williams C, Fernandes DL, Perally S, Rose C, Spencer DI, Acosta-Serrano A
Presented at Glyco23: 23rd International Symposium on Glycoconjugates
Split, Croatia. September 2015

Keywords: trypanosomiasis, saliva, 2AB, procainamide, UHPLC, ESI-MS/MS

Ludger poster

A Fluorescent Labeling and Enrichment System for Glycopeptides Generated from Proteolytic Digestion of IgG mAbs;
A System That Can Be Used as Part of the Peptide Mapping Workflow

Hendel JL, Badía Tortosa C, Spencer DI, Fernandes DL
Presented at USP: Glycosylation Analysis for Biopharmaceuticals Workshop
Washington DC, United States. August 2015

Keywords: glycopeptide, IgG, monoclonal antibody (mAb), peptide mapping, V-Tag, UHPLC, MALDI-MS

Ludger poster

Investigating the role of insect vector glycosylation in African sleeping sickness transmission: Characterisation of procainamide-labelled tsetse fly saliva N-glycans

Kozak RP, Wongtrakul-Kish K, Williams C, Perally S, Rose C, Spencer DI, Acosta-Serrano A
Presented at:
Gordon Research Conference
Lucca, Italy. March 2015
and CASSS Analytical Technologies Conference
Berlin, Germany. March 2015


Ludger poster

Drug Glycosylation Analysis using Automated,
High Throughput, Orthogonal Methods

Shubhakar A, Kozak RP, Badía Tortosa C, Gardner RA, Royle L, Wuhrer M, Spencer DI, Fernandes DL
Presented at PEGS 2014: Glycosylation Analysis for Biopharmaceuticals Workshop
Boston, United States. May 2014

Keywords: high throughput, permethylation, V-Tag, glycosylation critical quality attribute (GCQA), IgG, erythropeitin (EPO), UHPLC, MALDI-MS

Ludger poster

Studies on Salivary Glycosylation

Urbanowicz PA, Kozak RP, Fernandes DL
Presented at ACTA: 10th European Symposium on Saliva
Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands. May 2014

Keywords: saliva, O glycans, Orela, 2AB, glucose homopolymer standard, T1 cartridges, UHPLC, MALDI-MS

Ludger poster

Optimisation of drug glycosylation supported by an automated high throughput permethylation MALDI-MS method

Shubhakar A, Spencer DI, Kozak RP, Velez-Suberbie L, Bracewell DG, Fernandes DL, Wuhrer M
Presented at ICS: 27th International Carbohydrate Symposium
Bangalore, India. January 2014

Keywords: high throughput, glycosylation critical quality attribute (GCQA), IgG4, bioreactor, permethylation, UHPLC, MALDI-MS


Ludger poster

Systematic Analysis of Drug Glycosylation Critical Quality Attributes (GCQAs)

Royle L, Kozak RP, Liew LP, Emery RJ, Fernandes DL
Presented at Glyco22: 22nd International Symposium on Glycoconjugates
Dalian, China. June 2013


Ludger poster

Suppression of Peeling during the Release of O-glycans by Hydrazinolysis

Kozak RP, Royle L, Gardner RA, Fernandes DL, Wuhrer M
Presented at the 4th Warren Workshop
Athens, Georgia, United States. August 2012

Ludger poster

Analytical standards for reliable quantitation of N-glycans in biopharmaceutical characterisation and comparability studies

Badía Tortosa C, Fernandes DL, Spencer DI
Presented at:
International Glycomics Symposium
San Sebastian, Spain. July 19-21st 2012
and 26th International Carbohydrate Symposium (ICS)
Madrid, Spain. July 22-27th 2012