Glycopeptide Enrichment: LudgerClean A Cartridges
To be able to enrich glycopeptides from a peptide/glycopeptide mixture after protease digestion.
Glycopeptides signals are attenuated in a complex mixture, as they are suppressed by non-glycosylated peptides. Performing a glycopeptide enrichment before analysis will enhance your UHPLC and/or MS signals. This clean-up/enrichment can be achieved by using the LudgerClean A cartridges which are supplied as a pack of 24 cartridges (Cat # LC-A-24). Enrichment with LC-A can be performed before or after labelling reaction.

Product/Ordering Information:

LudgerClean A Cartridges
LudgerClean A cartridges are designed for use with any standard 96 well micro-titre plate compatible with a vacuum manifold (E.g. Ludger-Velocity Vacuum Manifold System - LC-VAC-MANIFOLD-KIT) or a liquid handling robot.
NOTE: The devices can be used without a vacuum manifold. In this case a pipette can be used to help push the sample through the cartridge by use of air displacement if gravity alone takes longer than 5 minutes. It is important to ensure that the contact times for the binding, washing and elution steps are consistent and gradual. Fast times may result in poor binding and selective elution. If a solution passing through a cartridge is slower than 5 minutes then use a higher vacuum pressure or pipette to speed up the process, allowing at least 1 minute solvent contact time with the cartridge.
Each pack contains 24 cartridges.
** LC-A cartridges can also be used for purification of glycans after fluorophore labelling.
Contact for more details.
Companion Products:
For Glycopeptide Enrichment:
- Vacuum manifold in 96 plate format
- Vacuum trap kit
- Collection plate pack, 5 per pack
- Collection plate lid, 5 per pack
- Manifold cartridge holder plate
- LP-PLUG-96
- Plug pack. 12 strips of 8 plugs, to seal empty cartridges in preparation for vacuum
- LT-VTAG-24
- LudgerTag V-TAG glycopeptide labelling and enrichment kit
Please contact us with any questions or for a quote:
Technical Advice

Dr. Conception Badia Tortosa
Senior Scientist
Quotations and Orders

Sales Team