CarboMet Workshop: Creating and Using Glycans in Precision Work
WHO: Late stage PhD students and Postdocs who are in academia or industry. Attendance is limited and registration will be on a first come first served basis.
WHAT: This is a one day workshop that will focus on the current state of commercial glycans used to support precision work. We will overview the classes, uses and manufacture of currently available glycan standards for qualitative and quantitative glycoanalysis work. Finally, we will summarise our thoughts on how glycochemists could enhance the repertoire of commercially-available glycan standards in order to aid development and manufacturing in the biopharmaceutical and precision medicine bioindustry sectors where the exploitation of carbohydrates will have huge impact. We will use interactive exercises which will include the introduction and use of the 'business model canvas'. The workshop will be led by industry partners in CarboMet; Jenifer Hendel (Lead Scientist at Ludger Ltd.) and Daniel Spencer (a member of the CarboMet organisational committee and Head of Development at Ludger Ltd.).
WHY: To develop a clearer understanding of how glycans standards are used and the existing challenges associated with their production. To explore the market gaps in supply and barriers in the field. Scientists should leave with information that could be used in grant applications and/or ideas for how their research paths in both industry and academia can help to bolster carbohydrate metrology.
WHEN: Friday July 5th 2019, right after EuroCarb2019 in Waalse Kerkfoyer, Leiden Schouwburg Stadsgahoorzaal.
To register for this event, visit our eventbrite page
CarboMet is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) funded by Horizon 2020 FET-OPEN (Grant agreement 737395). CarboMet's activities aim to facilitate engagement between key players and stakeholders of the glycoscience community across Europe to identify the current state of the art and in particular future innovation and technological challenges in carbohydrate metrology.
For more information contact:

Dr. Jenifer Hendel
Lead Scientist

Dr. Daniel Spencer
Head of Development