The glycopeptide standard is comprised of an A2G2S2 glycan attached to the asparagine amino acid of a peptide with the sequence Lysine-Valine-Alanine-Asparagine-Lysine-Threonine (KVANKT), 10µg.m/z: 2865.1763
The BioQuant quantitative Man8 glycan is a purified and quantified glycan standard which can be used as an internal standard and positive control for quantitative analysis (e.g. monosaccharide analysis).
Mannose-6-Phosphate standard, 10nmol (CM-MAN6P-10), which is a quantified monosaccharide reference standard and has been validated using quantitative NMR. We recommend using this standard to assess the Man6P content while characterising your recombinant therapeutic glycoproteins.