LudgerClean A cartridges

LudgerClean A cartridges

  • Product Code: LC-A-24
  • Size 24 cartridges

  • £577


Ludger Glycopeptide Enrichment - A Cartridges

Glycopeptide Enrichment: LudgerClean A Cartridges

To be able to enrich glycopeptides from a peptide/glycopeptide mixture after protease digestion.

Glycopeptides signals are attenuated in a complex mixture, as they are suppressed by non-glycosylated peptides. Performing a glycopeptide enrichment before analysis will enhance your UHPLC and/or MS signals. This clean-up/enrichment can be achieved by using the LudgerClean A cartridges which are supplied as a pack of 24 cartridges (Cat # LC-A-24). Enrichment with LC-A can be performed before or after labelling reaction.


Ludger Glycopeptide Enrichment - LC-A-24 cartridges Workflow

Product/Ordering Information:

Ludger A glycopeptide enrichment cartridges

LudgerClean A Cartridges


LudgerClean A cartridges are designed for use with any standard 96 well micro-titre plate compatible with a vacuum manifold (E.g. Ludger-Velocity Vacuum Manifold System - LC-VAC-MANIFOLD-KIT) or a liquid handling robot.

NOTE: The devices can be used without a vacuum manifold. In this case a pipette can be used to help push the sample through the cartridge by use of air displacement if gravity alone takes longer than 5 minutes. It is important to ensure that the contact times for the binding, washing and elution steps are consistent and gradual. Fast times may result in poor binding and selective elution. If a solution passing through a cartridge is slower than 5 minutes then use a higher vacuum pressure or pipette to speed up the process, allowing at least 1 minute solvent contact time with the cartridge.

Each pack contains 24 cartridges.

Product guide

** LC-A cartridges can also be used for purification of glycans after fluorophore labelling.

Contact for more details.


Technical Advice

Dr Conception Badia Tortosa

Dr. Conception Badia Tortosa
Senior Scientist

Quotations and Orders

Ludger EC50 Glycan Clean up cartridges

Sales Team

Hydrophilic interaction amide cartridges. For purification of 2AA/or 2AB labelled N glycans, VTag labelled glycopeptides or APTS labelled N-glycans. Each pack contains 24 cartridges.
Can be used in a vacuum manifold system (e.g. Ludger LV system) that can process up to 96 cartridges simultaneously.

View product document:

Product guide

Product Specifications

Application: Glycopeptide enrichment following protease digestion can be achieved using LudgerClean A Cartridges, enhancing your UHPLC and/or MS signals. Glycopeptides signals are attenuated in a complex mixture, as they are suppressed by non-glycosylated peptides. Enrichment can be performed before or after a labeling reaction. The cartridges contain a unique solid phase extraction (SPE) resin that binds a wide range of glycopeptides and allows the enrichment of these from peptide/glycopeptide mixtures. They are compatible with many leading vacuum manifold SPE handling systems.

Description: For enrichment of glycopeptides after protease digestion (eg. Sequence grade trypsin, pronase). Suitable for enrichment/cleanup after glycopeptide labeling with AQC (6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxy-succinimidyl carbamate) and V-tag.

Binding Capacity: Each cartridge can typically bind glycopeptides released from up to 100 μg of glycoprotein.

Number of Samples: LudgerClean™ A cartridges are designed for single use only.

Suitable Samples: A wide range of glycopeptides can be purified. This includes the purification of glycopeptides that have been generated from different proteases, like trypsin or pronase.

Storage: Store at room temperature in the dark. Protect from sources of heat, light, and moisture. The cartridges are stable for at least two years as supplied.

Shipping: The product can be shipped at ambient temperature.

Handling: Ensure that any glass, plasticware or solvents used are free of glycosidases and environmental carbohydrates. Use powder-free gloves for all sample handling procedures and avoid contamination with environmental carbohydrate.

Safety: Please read the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) for all chemicals used. All processes involving hazardous reagents should be performed using appropriate personal safety protection - eyeglasses, chemically resistant gloves (e.g. nitrile), etc. - and where appropriate in a laboratory fume cupboard
For research use only. Not for human or drug use

Additional Reagents and Equipment Required


• Pure water (HPLC grade)
• Acetonitrile (HPLC grade)
• Trifluoroacetic Acid


• Manifold Cartridge Holder Plate (LP-HOLDER-96)
• Plug Pack, 12 strips of 8 plugs, to seal empty cartridges in preparation for vacuum (LP-PLUG-96)
• Deep-well collection plate (Collection Plate Pack, LP-COLLPLATE-2ML-96)
• Pipettes
• Vacuum manifold