A1F glycan (FA2G2S1, G2FS1), APTS labelled

  • Product Code: CAPTS-A1F-01
  • Size 20 pmol

  • £64


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APTS labelled core-fucosylated monosialo biantennary oligosaccharide
20 picomoles

Biantennary N-glycan that contains one terminal sialic acid residue, and fucosylation on the core GlcNAc, 20pmol.
m/z: 2518.7102

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Product Specification

A1F APTS Glycan Synonyms: A1F N-linked oligosaccharide. α(2,6)/FA2G2S(6)1, G2FS1, FA2G2S1, F(6)A2G2S1, F(6)A2G(4)2S(6)1

Description: Mono-sialylated, core-fucosylated bi-antennary complex-type N-glycan (oligosaccharide).

Sources:A1F glycan is found on many mammalian glycoproteins including IgG, gamma globulins, and many serum glycoproteins. This product is typically purified from the oligosaccharide pool released from porcine thyroglobulin by hydrazinolysis using a combination of HPLC and glycosidase digestion.

Form: Dry. Dried by centrifugal evaporation from an aqueous solution. Contains ammonium salt to stabilise against desialylation.

Molecular Weight: 2521

Fluorescence: λex = 425 nm, λem = 503 nm.

Amount: 20 pmols

Purity: >80% pure as assessed by HPLC.

Storage: -20˚C both before and after dissolution. This product is stable for at least 5 years as supplied.

Shipping: The A1F APTS glycan can be shipped at ambient when dry. After dissolution, ship on dry ice.

Handling: Allow the unopened vial to reach ambient temperature and tap unopened on a solid surface to ensure that most of the lyophilized material is at the bottom of the vial. Gently remove the cap, add the desired volume of reconstitution medium, re-cap and mix thoroughly to bring all the oligosaccharide into solution. For maximal recovery of oligosaccharide, ensure that the cap lining is also rinsed and centrifuge the reconstituted vial briefly before use. Ensure that any glass, plasticware or solvents used are free of glycosidases and environmental carbohydrates. Minimise exposure to elevated temperatures or extremes of pH. High temperatures and low pH will cause desialylation. High pH will cause epimerisation of the reducing terminus GlcNAc.

Safety: This product is non-hazardous and has been purified from natural sources certified to be free of all hazardous material including pathogenic biological agents.